#2. How to use Lodash chunk method ( _.chunk() ) with angular 10

Read time : 5 minutes

About Lodash _.chunk(array, [size=n]) Method !

Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size. If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements.

Since :


Arguments :

array (Array): The array to process.
[size=1] (number): The length of each chunk

Returns : 

(Array): Returns the new array of chunks.

Code : 

Step-1 : Create a Angular 10 Project .

If you haven't created an Angular 10 project yet then visit the following link otherwise skip this step.


Step-2 : Integration of Lodash with Angular 10 .

If you haven't integrated Echarts with an Angular 10 project yet then visit the following link otherwise skip this step.

Step-3 : Create Component (Create html , scss and ts file) for Lodash _.Chunk().

Please find the component which I have created for Lodash chunk method .

Step-4 : Add entries of components , services etc into module file.

Conclusion : 

This is all about Lodash chunk method , But note this is not the full source code , this is just a major piece of code .

To get the full source code please click on the following link.

Full Source Code

See Project Demo : 

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