#1. How to integrate Echarts with Angular 10

Read time : 8-10 minutes

Step-1 : Create a Angular 10 project .

Note : If you are not aware how to create Angular 10 then please visit the following link.

Step-2 : Installation of  Echarts with Angular 10 project.

Run the following command if you are using npm


Run the following command if you are using yarn

After installing the above plugin , You will find 3 entries for echarts, ngx-echarts and @types/echarts under package.json file. 

NOTE : Plugin version may differ with the time , Above npm or yarn command will always install the latest version of plugin.

See my package.json

Step-3 : Add ngx-echart entry into app.module.ts .

Conclusion :  

Echart has been successfully integrated with Angular 10 . Now we can use any charts provided by Echarts

In out next post we will see how to use different Echarts with Angular 10.

See how to integrate Basic line Echarts with Angular 10.     

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