Introduction to Dorado Solutions



Dorado is created with the main purpose to expand technological knowledge in a professional way. Dorado will focus on writing code as well. Here, one can learn mainly about coding languages, paying attention to its details so that it can help you in corporate or professional ways. Dorado assures to improve the quality of code writing and build up professionalism in coding.

Given are some of the initial topics Dorado is going to cover :

Angular 10

Angular is one of the programming languages which compiles into javascript. It is used to create dynamic web applications. Here, we will learn Angular as a beginner, as an intermediate and as advanced developer as well. We will also focus on angular with material design, lodash and external plugin/libraries. Parallely, we will be also working on live projects from time to time. We will also be learning angular related hybrid app development ionic 4+ and many more.


Java is one of the basic programming languages. With Dorado, we will learn spring-boot framework with microservices from scratch. We will focus on preventing some scripting attacks as well like; XSS attach, CORS attach etc. Authentication and Authorization will also be prioritized. We will be using MVC architectural pattern, some external core libraries like Stanford NLP api and many more that will enhance the quality of coding.


Git is a version control system and we will be learning it from the very beginning. Dorado will teach you how to commit the code, how to create a new branch, how to commit merge code into existing branch and how to add edit git file. We will be walking through the git settings and see how to publish your website on git pages, that too, totally free.


Here, we will majorly focus on two databases i.e. mysql and postgresql. We will see how to setup databases, how to create, update, delete etc table. Dorado will also guide through creating PL/SQL query.


These are only few terminologies that are described in brief. With Dorado, you can expect the amplification of knowledge being conveyed to you. We will start from rock bottom and go on advancing the knowledge. This way, you can learn coding if you are new and you can get a quick revision if you are already into coding; followed by its progression alongside of extra dose of information. Any sort of queries are always welcome, which we will try our best to solve for you. You can also connect with Dorado through other social media sites which are linked in about section.

Thank you for being with us and we hope for your participation in future as well.

How we will proceed with any project.

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