#2. Course guide for Angular 10 for beginners.

Read time : 5-6 minutes

What topics we will cover in series of Angular 10 for beginners.

1. Introduction2. TypeScript
  • What is typescript
  • Declaring variables
  • Type
  • Type Assertions
  • Arrow functions
  • interfaces
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Access modifiers
  • Access modifiers in constructor
  • Modules
3. Angular Fundamentals
  • Building block of angular app
  • Components
  • Generating components using angular CLI
  • Templates
  • Directives
  • Dependency injection
  • Generating service using angular CLI
4. Displaying Data and Handling Events
  • Property Binding
  • Attribute Binding
  • Adding bootstrap
  • Class binding
  • Style binding
  • Event binding
  • Event filtering
  • Template variable
  • Two way binding
  • pipes
  • custom pipes
5. Debugging
  • Debugging angular app
6. Life Cycle Hooks
  • ngOnInit
  • ngDoCheck
  • ngOnChanges
  • ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterContentChecked
  • ngAfterViewInit and ngAfterViewChecked
  • ngOnDestroy
7. Building Re-usable Components
  • Component API
  • Input properties
  • Aliasing Input properties
  • Output properties
  • Passing event data
  • Aliasing Output properties
  • Templates
  • Styles
  • ViewEncapsulation
  • ngContent
  • ngContainer
8. Directives
  • ngIf
  • hidden properties
  • ngSwitchCase
  • ng For
  • ngfor and change detection
  • ngFor and TrackBy
  • The Leading Asterisk (ngtemplate)
  • ngClass
  • ngStyle
  • Safe Traversal Operator
  • Creating Custom Directives
9. Template-driven Forms
  • Types of form
  • Ngmodal
  • Adding validations
  • Specific validation error
  • Styling input validation form
  • Cleaner template
  • Ngform
  • Ngmodalgroup
  • Control classes and directives
  • Disabling the submit button
  • working with check boxes
  • Working with dropdown
  • Working with radio buttons
10. Reactive Forms
  • Building bootstrap rective form
  • Creating form control programetically
  • Adding validation
  • Specific validations error
  • Implementing Custom validation
  • Asynchronous Operations
  • Asynchronous validators
  • Showing loader
  • Validating the Form Input Upon Submit
  • Nested FormGroups
  • FormArray
  • FormBuilder
11. Consuming HTTP Services
  • JSONPlaceHolder
  • Getting Data
  • Creating Data
  • Updating Data
  • Deleting Data
  • OnInit Interface
  • Separation of Concerns
  • Extracting a Service
  • Handling Errors
  • Handling Unexpected Errors
  • Handling Expected Errors
  • Throwing Application-specific Errors
  • Handling Bad Request Errors
  • Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
  • Global Error Handling
  • Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
  • Extracting a Reusable Data Service
  • The Map Operator
  • Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
  • Observables vs Promises
12. Routing and Navigation
  • Configuring Routes
  • RouterOutlet
  • RouterLink
  • RouterLinkActive
  • Getting the Route Parameters
  • Why Route Parameters Are Observables
  • Routes with Multiple Parameters
  • Query Parameters
  • Subscribing to Multiple Observables
  • The SwitchMap Operator
  • Programmatic Navigation
13. Feature Modules
  • Shared Module
  • Lazy Loading of Modules
  • Preloading Strategy of Lazy Loading Modules
14. Angular animations and Unit testing and more .

15. Deployment
  • Preparing for deployment
  • JIT and AOT compilation
  • Angular compiler in action
  • Building angular apllication with Angular CLI
  • Adding Custom Environments
  • Deploying to GitHub Pages
16. E-Commerce live Project.

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